Does your company have all applicable rules and laws under control?
Compliance generally means adhering to applicable rules, laws (EU) and your own specifications.
Depending on the industry in which you operate, the rules and regulations that apply to you may be stricter or broader.
Can you ensure that you meet the compliance requirements?
With our expertise in a wide range of applicable norms, standards and laws and our audit experience, we bring the core compliance skills to your company.
Compliance officer
We support you in complying with the necessary requirements.
- Internal and external contact for general compliance issues
- Responsible for the compliance management system
- Planning and implementation of recurring mandatory tasks, e.g. audits, reports
- Training of employees with Datenbeschützerin® online academy
Whistleblowing portal
Implementation of the EU Whistleblowing Directive.
- Online service for your employees and external parties to report compliance violations.
- Maximum confidentiality of the reporter.
- Incidents handled by a ticket system.
Risk and business continuity management
Are you prepared for all eventualities?
- We work with you to implement organization-wide risk management and/or business continuity management.
- We carry out a business impact analysis together with your managers.
- On request, we can support you in conducting workshops to identify risk scenarios.
- We assist you in evaluating and analyzing the scenarios and in preparing a risk report and a risk treatment plan.